Sunday, June 29, 2008

Solid as a Rock

On my recent trip to Spain, my friends and I actually covered three countries and two continents in three days.  We flew into Spain, and then spent a day each in Spain, Gibraltar (which is an English territory), and Morocco.  It was good times, I say, good times.

Gibraltar is home of the Southern most point of Europe, and you can see Africa from its tip.  There is also the famous Rock of Gibraltar, and the equally famous monkeys.  The picture is of me and Mr. Monkey chilling out on the rock.  We had some drinks and talked politics (like how Spain wants Gibraltar to be Spanish, but the people of Gibraltar want it to stay English) before we posed for this picture. He's pretty smart; I believe he got his PhD from Oxford. Or maybe it was Cambridge.  I can never remember.

I was hoping that since we were in an English territory the cars would have to be driven on the left side of the road. Since in Spain they drive on the right side, I wanted the cars to have to switch sides at the border (a la "Wee Britian"--those of you A.D. fans get this joke).  Alas, Gibraltar is one of the few English territories, commonwealth countries, or former colonies that don't drive on the left side of the road.  [The only other two I know of are Canada and the U.S.).  Oh well, it is probably safer that way. All in all it was a great trip.  

Until next week.

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