Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Scotland is wonderful

I went to Scotland over the weekend and it was fantabulous.  Seriously.  I landed in Edinburgh on Friday, and was picked up by Elaine and her lovely Mini-Cooper.  [For those that don't know Elaine, she worked at Girl Scout with Alexis about 5 years ago or so.  She came and visited De Soto a few times that summer, and then in 2004 Alexis and I visited her family. ]

The best part of the weekend was getting to be in a home again.  As much as I love my little ol' dorm room here in Southwest London, spending time with a family was great.  Elaine and her parents were (as always) warm and welcoming.  Elaine and I went swimming at her local gym, and then she took me to St. Andrews.  This is the town that has the legendary golf club where many PGA tournaments have been held.  It is a very cute old Scottish town, with                        
old buildings and great shopping.  Saturday was topped off by dinner at a Scottish restaurant named "The Bothy" (I think).  Here, I had Haggis! This is the traditional Scottish dish, which was actually very good.  You can't actually think about what is in Haggis, and I'm not telling. But, if you'd like to know, just click here.  Don't get grossed out, though. 

On Sunday, before flying back to London, we spent the afternoon in Edinburgh, most notably on Princess Street. Specifically shopping.   But, hey, with the Edinburgh Castle looming nearby, it was almost like a history trip.  

It was back to the grind on Monday though as classes resumed.  I can't believe how fast three weeks goes by.  Luckily, I now have only two more weeks of classes and agency.  Unluckily, I have four papers due between now and them.  So, with that said, I should run. If I don't post until May, well, now you know why.   

Enjoy your April Showers! 

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