Friday, February 15, 2008

Virtual Birthday Party

If you want to be part of the party just add you're very own comment!


Unknown said...

HAppy Birthday from down under! It'sno longer your birthday in NZ but you still have 2 hours left here! SO I hope they are good ones! Have a fabulous day and say hi to london for me, hard to think it was just over a year ago that I was there!Lxxx

Anonymous said...

It's your mom, not anonymous, it's just the quickest way to post the comment.
Thirty, you're worried about thirty, try being the mother of the person who is now thirty. You know, I don't remember you falling that much as a child, was that an acquired skill or selective memory? Sorry I can't be with you today, but Parliament should be a fine substitute. Love ya. Mom

JT said...

Oh know I would LOVE to be there with you...but in time. Please take notes on how to cope so you can help me through it in 2 years...sorry 2 years and 4 months :-)
Anyway...have a GREAT day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, girlie! Just a "welcome to the 3-0 club" from your old French tutor!
Happy Birthday --

Mulliken said...

Happy birthday Sara. Following a great VD yesterday it is nice to be able to virtually celebrate your birthday today. On your behalf I think I will go out to dinner, drink a couple of beers, and have a piece of cake. I hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Not much sympathy here! Although, now I know how all my older siblings feel when I turn big numbers like 3-0 and 4-0. I will party with you in spirit only today, I am a bit under the weather, but not enough to want to miss out on this great virtual birthday party! Happy Birthday Sara! Love You, Aunt Laura

Jen said...

Happy Birthday Sara!'re old. J/K. I will be there soon enough myself, and of course Tiff IS old, so you are in good company. Ahh, how I love London! Enjoy the sights and sounds of a foreign country and be proud that you have accomplished so much just by breaking the mold and setting your own path. (having a mortgage and full time job isn't always a blessing!)Love ya and I will raise a rum & coke to you tonight~ Jen

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Sara Denny!!! The big 3-0, baby. I know there's a lot to it, but just think of all you've achieved. And you are such a badass chick- most people are afraid of changing things up in their lives and branching out. Kudos to you. HB, chica! Liz.

Anonymous said...

i'm celebrating your birthday today by drinking in my office! :O) i'll be there in less than 4 weeks - i can't even believe it! so we must get together for dinner in the city and celebrate in d-town fashion. happy birthday! have fun!!! - tru x

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sara! Many thoughts of you today as I think back to your younger years. It is hard for me to believe you are 30 and Zack is 20! I will raise a margarita to you today at 4pm central time. I hope you have a great day! From Aunt Ellen

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sara! I hope you have a great one, even though you're turning 30! I feel your pain - I only have about seven months of my twenties left. I'll be sure to have a beer - or several - tonight in honor of your birthday!


Anonymous said...

sismo sierra nevada. I am here to write a few encouraging words to keep you going in your time of loss. Remember, you must go through all the steps before you can reach acceptance and move on. We are all here for you...well here as in through technology and spirit since you are have to be so far away! I may put in a C.O.T. tonight to watch so we can think back to the days of 1996 when 30 was so far away. Don't take the cheap way of getting to the high bar, you are better than that. You are no Jayce Phelps are definitely Shannon Miller material today, the day of your birth. So don't hide from this historic change, celebrate it with a gold medal and the thoughts Svetlana Khorkina covering her mess up. Today is your gala live it up!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 3-0! I remember the days. I have been there! I hope all is well and please don't fall down too much. There is a limit to how many times you can hit the gutter before you get left. I will celebrate with you in spirit. So sorry I can't be there, sounds like more fun than I am having. Love to you, aunt "almost better than mom" carla
p.s. don't do anything that I wouldn't do!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! Have a great time in a great city. As always, stay AWAY from the tennis courts.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sarieberry,
Get up out of your rocking chair (carefully and slowly) put your teeth in, find your glasses, run a comb though your silver locks and go out and have a good time. Be in early so the aids can put you to bed. Sure am glad I'm not the mother of a 30 year old - man your mom must be ancient!!! Love, Ann

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sara!!!!

We miss you!!!!!

<3 Brandy and Josh :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the thirties!!! You're old enough to know who you are, and yet young enough to be able to enjoy it all!

Hope it's a great day, and a fantastic decade for you.


Kate (Faggella-Lubay of course!)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday sister! washu heard what a big day it was, so they let us start 1/2 hour late and get out an hour early just so i could spend more time virtually celebrating with you!! have a great night, don't get too many drunk bumps, and remember who you are.
love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Happy Birthday!!

How does it make you feel to have been around for three decades?? Just wanting to know im still a long way off.


Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday! I really can't believe you are 30 it seriously doesnt seem like it at all. The Parliament thing does sound pretty cool though, I bet it will be fun. Enjoy your birtay (you get it...hehe) and dont get to wasted!

Much love from your favorite pig!


A l E x A n D r A


Anonymous said...

Shit, lady ... I'm already drunk. I started celebrating your 3-0 last night. Here's to a level of maturity only time can bring. Cheers.

Your favorite Colorado mountain mamma

Anonymous said...

Dear Instant Gratification Girl,

Lace and I are going to a fancy restaurant with some other friends tonight in celebration. We all wish we were with you in fabulous London though! What a cute idea, virtual b-day party. It's not so bad, the big 3-0. It is just an age, after all. Plus, we are all going to be 120 yrs old with all the medical advances so plenty of time to get things done, right!!!

Love and miss you much,

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I'm sitting in the airport in famous Las Vegas! We lost our fortune and are heading home! Hope you had a great time and I'm still looking forward to mine :)


Anonymous said...

Sara, Sara, Sara, Happy Birthday girl! I'm gonna pass on drinking too much for your birthday. Everytime I do that I get pregnant! I did go to Chuck E Cheese today AND a carnival birthday party, thinking of you the whole time. I know it's a day late, but I hope you had a good one! Love ya. Julie

Unknown said...

Hola neighbour.

Well I was forunate enough to have been able to celebrate your birthday with you and because you are my friend and really you are quite awesome I think you should see the coming of your thirties as a great gift from the powers that be (J.C, Gandhi, etc.) and its not been better said than "30's are the new 20's)

oh and 'p.s.'... i kinda just wanted to throw a p.s. in there?

Not to Us... said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the club! =) Jill

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! ( a little belated:)
I've enjoyed living vicariously through you as you travel around the world sharing all your wonderful stories. I look forward to the time our paths cross in some faraway land ( bread co:)
Hope all is well!
xxx Tracey Avidan ( was Forim )

Anonymous said...

in typical-"me" fashion, happy belated birthday you old bag! I guess after reading your blog, I've realized that if you, Sara Denny, can overcome such an obstacle as 3-0, then so can the rest of us who now have nothing to worry about in a few years when we celebrate it ourselves. Kym's been giving me updates - glad to hear you've settled in to london living. --Robyn