Saturday, December 1, 2007

A quick update...

I am updating today so I can have two blog posts in November! I have been very hard at work trying to finish up all of my assignments and collect data for my research. The benefit to collecting the data is I am getting to talk with various Jamaicans for across the island. Some people I talked to last week aren't getting running water...for about 10 years! They have the pipes and used to get it, but then something happened, and I guess 10 years isn't enough to fix it?

I am down to one major paper, some revisions, and the data. Yea! After that I will have some more time to edit and post pictures, maybe update this a bit more often. I can't believe that I will be done with the Jamaican portion of the program in two weeks. The time is really flying, and, of course, I am just starting to feel like I am making relationships. I guess it is the drawback to only spending one semester here.

I hope all of you Americans had a great Thanksgiving. The picture above is the eight American students in the Jamaican IPSL program this semester, 4 graduates and 4 undergrads. We took this last Saturday when we got together for Thanksgiving dinner. We all brought something and we even had turkey. It wasn't home, but it was nice!

That's all I have for now. I'll post again when things are less crazy.

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