Thursday, May 21, 2009

I know I've been away

For like ages. Mainly it is because things are kind of hard right now. Still no proper job, working six days a week, spending my time applying to jobs. It's all rather unglamorous and a bit depressing. And who wants to read that? And, I really don't want to write all about that. Blah.

But, things will have to change soon, whether I get a job in London, or have to move on to my next destination (which, I so don't want to do, but the reality of economics may force me to). And I'll be back boring all of you with my life.

In the meantime, keep the faith, pray, or send me good vibes, that I'll get a job in London.

1 comment:

Not to Us... said...

will be praying... =) thinking of you!