Thursday, September 27, 2007

Not much new to report

So, this week, not a lot happened. I didn't take any major trips over the weekend and nothing all that interesting happened at my agency. My roommate and I did do "American" day on Saturday. We went to Wendy's for lunch and then ate ice cream from Baskin Robbins. It was, I must admit, a lot of fun, if not all that exciting.

Jamaica got to me a bit on Tuesday. It took me a long time (about 90 minutes) to get to my agency (I have to take two buses and there is no regular schedule), so I was already pretty hot and tired by the time I got to work. Then at the end of the day I had to commute for another hour across town to pick up a paper from my university, due to miscommunication and technology issues. The public transportation system is not a lot of fun here, but I made it. I think it was just one of those days when things just get to you. In my reflection class (yes, I have to do reflection) we talked about how roughly 5 weeks in or so you tend to hit a wall when you are living in a foreign country. The newness of the situation has worn off and you have time to notice the inefficiencies, or other things that are annoying. This hasn't only been true for me either; it seems like this week each member of my group has picked a day to just feel kind of blah. We're bogged down in homework and getting tired. No worries though, in my case at least it was just like a 24-hour bug, and I was feeling all better by Wednesday.

I did get one major hurdle out the way this week in my Jamaican history class. I had to lead the class on the "Freedom Experiment." I was pretty nervous, but I think it turned out pretty well. If you have any questions on the Abolition of Slavery and its aftermath just ask. Oh, and I learned about Samuel Sharpe and Paul Bogle, who both led rebellions in Jamaica and are two of Jamaica's National Heroes.

The next couple of weeks should make for some more interesting posts. I am going on a trip to see some housing projects in Jamaica on Saturday, a hike up the Blue Mountains to see the sunrise the following weekend, and the weekend after that I will be in Port Antonio which another city on the beach. Oh, and a few weeks after that, I'll be in Montego Bay and Negril.

I am posting a couple of pictures from the Bob Marley museum that is located here in Kingston. I went about a month ago, but the pictures are still cool. I am trying to publish some pictures everyone can see more than what shows up on the blog. The internet, is as usual, a bit slow and that is causing me uploading problems. But as soon as I figure it out, I'll send out the link.

Have a great weekend!

PS-so, the pictures won't upload right now, but I'll put them up when I can.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Can you sign Tiff up for a distance-learning class in reflection!?! That made me laugh. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Not to pour salt in the wound, but tonight is a great season premier tv night. I will be thinking of you...